Saturday, 6 April 2013


Well I was talking to my friend and I realized that I can post even if I don't have pictures. I think I was always procrastinating because I hadn't taken any pictures, but I figured out that this is mostly for my family and close friends. They will probably read it even if I don't have pictures and won't judge me. lol
So lately we've been pretty busy with Amy's wedding and now it's on to Jessie's wedding. There is so much love in the air. Whenever there is a wedding in my family I can't help but remember when Jay and I got married. What a wonderful time......almost 10 years later and our life is so different (but in a good way). I am grateful that we as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are able to be sealed to our family for eternity. That makes me so happy.
Today we started General Conference and Jenna was so amazing. She took out paper and just started writing down points that each speaker was making. It was so awesome I figure I don't have to take notes anymore, I'll just read what Jenna wrote. Seriously, it blew me away. She is such a sweet little girl and she will be well prepared for baptism. Ahhhhh! kind of freaking out that I have an almost 8 year old.
Cole is coming into his little personality and he is such a character. It's hilarious to watch him be silly, but he also is so sweet. He is always the one to have everyone give a big hug after we have family prayer. He spreads his little arms out as wide as he can and yells "Group Hug!" How can we not love that little sweetheart?!
There I blogged. I can sleep soundly tonight.

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