Sunday, 7 July 2013


Well, I guess I will write today. I've been up since 2am and it is now 6:45am on a beautiful Fast Sunday morning. There have been quite a few changes in our lives since I wrote last. Jay got a great job with Epcor (still teaching in a sense), we were informed that we would have to move out of our house because our landlords were selling it, and also everyday little things that happen. Jay's knee is causing him more pain, Jenna brakes her tooth, Owen gets 5 stitches in his nose, Cole still isn't sleeping well, Brody got an ear infection, and I guess I can't sleep either! 
Man when I write it down it seems like a lot. Anyway the main concern we've been having is where we are going to live.... that's probably why I couldn't sleep tonight or last night or the night before. I am going to be soooo tired this week! Plus I am making the biggest wedding cake I have ever done this week, for my friends wedding on Saturday. I'm guessing the craziness of life never ends (if anyone reading this is older and has more life experience and can confirm this theory, please do so). 
Needless to say I feel as though all I've been thinking about is me and my families situation lately, I have felt the need to serve but have been struggling on how to do that when I feel so busy in my own life. 
I've worried about friends and family and wanted to do more for them. Upon going to the temple yesterday and talking with Jay, I've realized that I can always pray for others! I may not have the time during the day to spend it outside of the home serving them right now, but I always have time to pray. 
Also I need to not worry so much, which is a lot easier to say than to do. But I definitely worry to the point where it is probably not healthy for me. So I will try to begin the journey of letting things go and maybe just worrying about the most important things.

Okay so lots of great things have happened too since the last time I wrote. Jay had his birthday and we went to an Oilers game, Jenna had her birthday and she turned 8 and was baptized, quite a few new little babies were born to many of friends, many more friends and family announced they are having babies, Mother's day, Father's day, my mom's birthday, siblings birthdays, Canada Day and an amazing Harker family reunion. We are blessed so much!
Karen and Matt and their new twins, Thomas and Laura
Us at the Oilers game, "Classic Jay"
Beautiful sisters and in-laws (minus Lindsey, who was doing Jessie's touch ups and Jessie who just got married)
Jenna at her pijama party birthday. She had a blast!
My super special princess on her baptism day. I made her dress from leftover material from my wedding dress.
 After my race in Utah with the in-laws. I was nice and glistening.
Jenna and Brody ran a 1km race on Jenna's 8th birthday.
On Mother's day with my boys. Jenna was in a mood so she didn't make the pic.
The kids ready for a bike ride. I love this picture!

I'm a pretty lucky mom to have all these munchkins!

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