Wednesday 9 January 2013

Great morning

Okay since Dec. 31 I've been working out every other day and I'm feeling good. I haven't pushed myself too hard yet, which I have learned in the past just makes me not want to keep going. So slow and steady is my motto right now. I need to get into a good habit of going and then I can punish myself with tortuous workouts. I also started a "no junk food" challenge with some of my family members. This means no chips, pop, chocolate(major challenge for me), fast food, ice cream, and other crappy foods. We are doing this for 6 months. Are we crazy? Just enough to do this. I didn't realize when we started that I have Jay's birthday and 3 of my kids birthdays and 2 weddings in my family all during this time period. Oh well, I'm not going back on it. I know it will help me feel better, be healthier, and be happier for my family. 
Today I went to the gym at 6:30am, which was a miracle for me. If you know me you know that I am not a morning person, so I was pretty impressed with myself for getting up and going by myself to workout. I also know my prayers were answered last night when I prayed for help in getting up this morning.
I've always wanted to do a before and after picture of my weight loss and I think I might have the courage this time to do it. I don't know if I'm brave enough to put up the pictures until I've lost a lot of weight and can show something for my hard work though. Stay tuned... 

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